Thursday, September 23, 2010

No Hope

This morning we had our introductory conference with Patrick’s teacher. She asked us to share our "hopes and dreams” for him.

It was really hard to answer, possibly because I have extremely low standards. Would it make the wrong impression to say that I hope he remembers to floss? Frankly, I'd consider it an educational miracle if she could teach him to put his dirty clothes in the laundry instead of on the floor. Typically, I am "hoping" that he will stop denting the garage with his soccer ball and that he will let me sleep past 6 a.m. on a Saturday.

So I guess that leaves "dreams." I'd like to see him write in cursive, I suppose, and perhaps cut his flank steak without incurring bodily injury. The dreams that I have for him really transcend his education: things like a happy marriage and a 401(K) that is not derailed by a national financial crisis. Patrick's teacher may be fantastic, but I'm not sure that spousal bliss and a well-balanced portfolio are part of the third grade curriculum.

If I stop to think about it, I hope that Patrick grows up to be intelligent, healthy, self-sufficient, hard-working, compassionate, and funny. I hope he learns to respect his fellow man and the earth, and to follow the Golden Rule. And I hope he has a son just like him.
