As I sat down to type I noticed that my husband was watching the Redskins/Eagles football game, with the television muted. For a while I thought he was listening to the simulcast on his iphone until I heard the words "Sanchez pops it up into shallow center." Generally speaking, people don't 'pop things up' in football, especially to "shallow center.". So I asked him if he was listening to the football game. He told me no, he was listening to the Padres/Giants game. And he meant the San Francisco Giants, as in the baseball.
So, to clarify, my husband was watching a football game while listening to a baseball game.
I am hugely excited because this might just be the first documented instance of a man multitasking. Ordinarily my husband cannot do more than one thing at a time. For example, if the phone rings he must STOP whatever he is doing, find a comfy chair, put his feet up, and have a brief chat. There is no chance that he will ever wash dishes, do laundry, or mow the lawn while on the phone. I'll grant him that it would be awkward to chat on the riding mower, but there is no reason why he can't be folding his boxers while discussing the latest Mets failure.
So I stand corrected - men CAN multitask. I always new my husband was special.