Friday, January 7, 2011

Is That Your Gavel, or Are You Just Glad to See Me?

This week, the face of our government changed, quite literally.

As the 112th Congress was sworn in we switched our Speaker of the House from a pale, stiff cyborg to an orange, weepy cyborg.

I like a man who is not afraid to cry. But there is something to be said for machismo, which is why I am  pleased to see that our Speaker has an enormous gavel.

Curiosity over the Speaker's gavel has sparked numerous articles on the web.  And capitol wash room attendants report a recent spike in surreptitious peeking.

Pelosi handed the gavel over with a 'God Bless You' and a hug, which, though civilized, was really a bit boring.   A full-on gavel duel would have been far more amusing and commanded many more hits on You Tube.

Gavels aside, the question we all want answered is "Will a new Congress improve the economy?"  Early signs are mixed.  A surge in orders for new tanning beds is offset by a precipitous decline in demand for Botox.   However, it does appear that one particular segment of the economy is on a fierce roll:   Google reports an overwhelming increase e-mail traffic concerning gavel-enlarging products.
