Saturday, January 1, 2011

Choosing a New Year's Resolution

Like every other American, I am determined to tell you what my New Year's Resolution is, even though you haven't asked.

But choosing a New Year's Resolution is difficult. There is a vast universe of things that I will fail to do in 2011, so how do I choose just the right one?

Like most Americans I could resolve to lose a few pounds. But this would involve sacrifice, and, like most Americans, sacrifice is just not my cup of tea. I am well-intentioned but not entirely steadfast when it comes to giving up Doritos. So I'll have to go with something else.

I could go the traditional "get some exercise" route. But this involves voluntarily placing myself in a location where everyone is thinner than me. I might as well go back to high school. No matter how fun it is to mock women who are climbing a stair master with lipstick AND hairspray, sweating next to them in spandex sucks.

I could resolve to become more informed. Between blogs, Twitter , Facebook, and Cable News Networks, engaging discussions about weighty issues must be everywhere. These mediums surely are improving our collective intelligence. Case in point: Bieber Fever. Oh, well, scratch that potential resolution. Although it could improve my voting on American Idol.

I think what I will resolve myself to is using my time this year to come up with a resolution for next year.

And possibly to procrastinate less.